Thursday, January 12, 2012

Animal House

Animal House, USA 1978

This is the quintessential college/fraternity movie comedy. Hollywood has attempted to recreate the magic many times in the past 30+ years. Films such as Old School, Van Wilder, Revenge of the Nerds...etc were all very funny, but none have touched people in the way that Animal House did. I think audiences like it so much because it transports them back to when they were beginning their adult lives and making it okay for them to have acted like buffoons back then. When I look back on my behavior 10-15 years ago I am ashamed of myself and lack of responsibility. But when I watch Animal House I realize that if I was going to act that way at some point in my life, my college days were probably the most appropriate time to do so. It is also likely that the baby boom generation identifies closely with the era the film takes place. Many of them were in college during the early 60's. They probably also appreciate the "anti-establishment" characteristics of the Delta House. Personally, I think is just a really funny movie.  It would not be the last iconic comedy directed by John Landis.
Fans might be interested to know that Ivan Reitman, the producer, initially wanted most of the Delta House characters to be played by Saturday Night Live cast members. Chevy Chase was intended to be Otter, Bill Murray was to be Boone, and Dan Ackroyd was suppose to play D-Day. But in the end John Belushi was the only one who wanted to do the movie. He played Bluto, probably his most well remembered performance. And yes, I'm sure I will eventually get to The Blues Brothers (Belushi's other most well remembered character).

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